Sunday, July 29, 2012

RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness)


We finally were able to finish our ROAK project.  This was such a fun project for us to do.  We've enjoyed Cory having Saturdays off this month and completing this project was such an added blessing during our time together.  Enough with the words...let's get to the pictures.

Part #1:
Making PB&J's for the homeless packages
Making the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies for the Fire Department

Total of 10 homeless packages that include:
2 Sandwiches, 1 Gospel Track, 1 Granola Bar, 1 Pair of Socks, 1 Oatmeal cookie and 2 bottles of chilled water = 8 items

We did change our list a little bit from our last blog after we talked with a few people from our church that give away homeless packages more regularly.  (I would never have thought to include socks!)

Here is the items from Day 1:
80 items for the homeless packages
72 cookies for the fire department

We weren't able to take any pictures of us giving out the few homeless packages we gave out that day.  As I'm sure you can imagine that would be awkward but mostly inappropriate.  We wanted to show love to those individuals, not exploit them.  However, it was a blessing to hear the Thank You's and God Blesses. 

We WERE able to take pictures of our delivery of the cookies to the fire department.  In fact, this experience has been one of our most favorite memories we've had since being married.  When we went to deliver the cookies, there were only two fire fighters there.  There was a man and woman who were currently working when we went by, the rest of the shift were "out running errands."    I also feel so badly because I can't for the life of me remember the names of the fire fighters we met, should have written it down!

The lovely fire fighters warmly accepted the cookies and actually invited us into the station.  We also got one fantastic tour!  Just look at the pictures!

Yep...they showed us all of their equipment in the truck.  This very nice gentleman was such a great teacher about all of the instruments and gear they use.

Cory got to try on all of the gear.  In this picture he was trying on the air mask that firefighters use.  The firefighter went through all of the different levels of air flow with Cory, even the one when he was out of air.  Cory managed perfectly, much better than I would have done.

Yes, we will be making a calendar!  ;-)

Kinda funny that right after this picture was taken, the station's emergency alarm went off.  The firefighters loaded everything up, said thanks/bye to us, and were heading out within about 90 seconds. Needless to say, this experience was so much fun! It was informative and something that we didn't even know was on our bucket list until after it was over.

 Thank you Fire Station 25!  Also, thank you to all the service men and women for giving of yourself to allow citizens to maintain safety, security, and emergency services. Wish we could have baked enough cookies for everyone.

Part #2

 Today we gave out more homeless packages, donated our unused dog supplies, gave to the food bank, and gave away some coupons.

 The Humane Society gladly accepted 20 cans of canned dog food, 35 puppy pads (for house training) and about 20 mini chew bones.  It was most impressive that we were able to leave without getting another puppy. 

If you know me, you know I have developed a new passion for couponing.  I thought it would be fun to turn a passion into an act of kindness, well 33 acts actually.  I clipped some coupons for cereal, coffee, baby food, diapers, pet supplies, over the counter medications, and hygiene items.  

An unexpected blessing was the day after we couponed Wal-Mart with acts of kindness, Cory and I went to the same Wal-Mart for our own groceries and we saw woman actually take one our coupons.  We were surprised at how many of them were gone.  The picture above is for women's razors...all of them were gone the next day. 

  We also tried to give our donations for the local food bank, but it was closed so we'll have to do it Monday or Tuesday.

  We were able to give out all but 2 of our homeless packages.  We used about 1/2 of a tank of gas driving around looking for homeless individual.  It was a bit rainy on the day we went out, so we're thinking that might have had something to do with it.  We're gonna try again on Monday or Tuesday to give out the remaining two.

 Conclusion, after Monday/Tuesday evening we will have given out the following:
80 items to the homeless packages
72 cookies to the Fire Dept
33 coupons taped to items at Wal-mart
75 dog items to the Humane Society
20 non perishable food items

Grand Total=280 Random Acts of Kindnesses for El Paso!