Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Results Are In And We...


Some you may know that Cory and I have been taking our beloved puppy Indy to Petsmart Beginning Training Classes.  This has been quite a six week adventure to say the least!  Cory and I probably learned way more than Indy, but I guess that was the point...for US to learn how to raise him to be an even better puppy.  I am wondering if there is a Kidsmart Beginning Training Classes for raising kids when our time comes.

On the way to our first class. He's totally MY dog...he threw up on the way to his first class. I'm sure it was nerves and not my driving ;-)

There was the cutest English bulldog named Daisy that Indy always wanted to play with.  I love Cory's look in this picture cause we weren't sure how Indy was going to react being with other dogs.

Our REALLY patient teacher Mari.  I wish I could say that he's stopped jumping, but I promised to only write the truth on this blog.
This was Indy after the first lesson! Apparently it was rough on him.

Home Practice..."look at me."

Its the Indy look for "must have hot dog!"

Some "In Store" practice.  It made it pretty interesting dodging other dogs and people. 

THEN to make it even MORE challenging...our teacher made us practice in the TOY section.  It was so funny how Indy thought that it was heaven and at the beginning kept playing with the toys!

Indy "meeting" a cat for the first time.

Priceless picture we think!  Guess hot dogs weren't enough for him that day!

Still a lap lab.  Either that OR Cory got really really hairy!

This was the class after we passed.  Funny thing is that Mari told us a few times that Indy was going to pass, but Cory and I weren't cause we were letting him get away with too much.  Good thing we pulled it together!  Indy would have been upset with all of his hard work to not pass.

Such a proud moment for us that was followed by an even greater moment, especially for Cory!

After the graduation "ceremony" there was a "shake" contest between all of the dogs.  This is Cory giving Indy a pep talk/rub down before the contest.

First contest against Daisy the English bulldog.

Now onto the final contest. Indy went against a 2 yr old yellow lab and WON.  Of course he won a stuffed animal that he destroyed in less than a day.  Still so worth it!

So we passed.  Indy now "knows" how to do the following:
walking on a leash (I use the phrase "walking" loosely...its still much more of us being dragged)
laying down
staying until called
leave it

Kinda glad classes are over...with all those hot dog treats, Indy has been gaining about 2 pounds a WEEK.  On the day of graduation, he was a hefty 57 pounds at 6 months old!

Here are some other fun pictures from our puppy with a personality!

Sometimes when Cory works, I let Indy sleep with me at night...until he started chewing on the comforter and pulling out the stuffing so I would wake up to a big white mess.  This picture is me "attempting" to fix the comforter and of course Indy thinks he's being helpful.

I came into the room to see this scene.  I asked Cory if he was cold and he replied "Indy thought I was cause he covered me up."  What a thoughtful puppy!

Again...its rough being a puppy in the Gadra house!