Saturday, June 30, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness


"Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference."

- Kevin Heath / Ceo More4kids

Its almost July.  Normally that would mean BBQs, fireworks, family gatherings with water balloon fights, water parks, and lots of hot dogs!  Now that I'm married to a Veteran and work at the VA, my perspective has changed a little bit.  I now can I give back during the month when our beautiful country received her freedom.  Then it hit me....the United States of America will be 236 years old, why not do 236 RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS!  Cory and I are going to spend a few weekends completing this goal, but we will complete it in July. 

"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end."

 - Scott Adams (1957)

Here are our thoughts for what we will do to give back:

1.  Make 10 care packages for the homeless in El Paso.  We're counting each item as an act of kindness.  Our bags will include: 2 water bottles, 2 PB&J sandwiches, bag of cookies, hand sanitizer mini container, bag of veggies (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower), and a Gospel Track.  As part of this kindness, we're planning on parking and walking to the homeless person on the street.  We simply don't want to just "drive by" but put a little more effort into it. Yes, this is why Cory and I are going together!                            
        10 X 8=80 acts of kindness

2. Take coupons to items at wal-mart.  I love couponing!  This is taking a passion and making it even greater!  For the last few weeks, I've cut out coupons for items I don't use or need (diapers, cat food, beauty products, food items).  We are going to take about 30 coupons to    wal-mart and tape the coupons to the items.  I made sure that every coupon didn't expire for several weeks so that they can hopefully all be used.  Don't think this breaks any law, so hopefully wal-mart won't mind us doing this!  
      30 Coupons  = 30 acts of kindness

3.  We're gonna bake some yummy cookies and give them to either the fire dept or police department on the east side of El Paso (that's the side where Cory works).  Oh, when I say we're baking...I mean Cory's baking.  I learned and was utterly shocked, amazed, and proud that his chocolate chip cookies whoop mine...even on a good day!  
      5 Dozen Cookies =  60 acts of kindness

4.  Donating canned food and other non perishables to one of the local food banks.  Yay for couponing which means we can afford to give even more of canned food.  Pretty sure the food bank won't care if we didn't pay full price for the donations
       26 cans of food = 26 acts of kindness

5. Giving away the unused canned dog food to the local pet shelter.  Our Indy developed an allergy to the canned pet food we gave him and we had stocked up on it before we realized this.  So we have about 3 cases of wet food that they can hopefully use there.  We also have several raw hide bones that Indy was allergic to that we'll be giving to them.  Hoping they can use them even though the box of 20 was opened.  If not...guess we'll have to come up with some more kindnesses!
      40 dog items = 40 acts of kindness

What can you and your family do in the month of July to make a difference?  It doesn't have to be 236.  Need you go- Random Acts of Kindness Ideas! One act can change a life. This "project" of ours has really changed my regular thinking and has allowed me to see the world as a place that needs more kindness, with me as a giver of that kindness!

So if you have some Acts of Kindness ideas that you have thought about for the month of July, leave a comment!  We think it would be so great to get a chain reaction going with our friends and family.

"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.  For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."
- Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:21-22

To the best of my knowledge, unless you have a blogspot, you can leave a comment under anonymous profile. But please do leave your name in the comment so we know who you are. :-)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Finished House

This weekend, Cory and I went to town on a good old fashion cleaning of the house.  Thus, since it is all neat and tidy, I snapped some pics while it lasted. 

                Master Bedroom

   Cory's Bathroom
                               Emily's Bathroom

Dining Room



2nd Bedroom- yeah, guess we need to add more decoration other than a dog on the bed!

Dog's Room/Office

    The Living Room

So what does our back yard look like you ask......

Yep, this just about sums it up!

We're loving life right now, despite it being blur speed busy!  We're looking forward to July when Cory has Thursday, Friday, AND Saturday off!  We always count our blessings when we both have the same day off togther.  Also, Cory will complete 1 of 2 of his summer classes the beginning of July, so he'll have some much needed free time.

That's all for now. Thanks for taking the time to catch up with The Gadras!

All Things Indy

In celebration of our Indiana's 5th month being born...we decided to let you get to know him a little bit better.  Hey, what are we kidding...we wouldn't posted about our cute little horse/dog anyways!

This was the first time he played in his little baby pool.  He has so much fun in that thing!  The only bad thing is that he drinks half of the water and then can't control his bladder for the next 3 hours!
Here are also some funny quotes from the kids next door.  They love when Indy's outside.  They try to get him to come to the fence by pretending rocks are treats.  A few times I've had to remind them that Indy will eat a rock thinking its a treat cause, well, he's cute, but not that smart.  :-)
    • I was telling the kids (ages from about 5-9) that Indy had to come in and eat his dinner.  The older one turned to Indy and said "go eat your dinner so you can grow big and strong like your Dad."  Well his Dad's in the Army...pretty sure he might have heard that at his house a time or two.
    • A few days ago I was out there with him and told them that Indy had lost one of his puppy teeth.  The youngest asked me what the Doggy Tooth Fairy was going to bring creative!

Also, don't know if other large dogs do this, but Indy's favorite place to sleep is on the back of the couch, just like a cat.  However, his 45lb frame isn't condusive for this position.  It makes us laugh nearly every time as we see the couchion sink under his weight. 

Not too much has changed though since he was a puppy. He still loves to sleep right by your head!  


Indy also really loves Cory! Its certain that if Cory is trying to do anything productive, Indy is RIGHT there, usually barking in Cory's ear!

Cory and I joke pretty regularly if we LOVE Indy or if we TOLERATE Indy...most days, at least for me, its pure puppy love!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Intro to The Gadra's

Hello There!

    Welcome to the Good To Be A Gadra blog!  We decided to start this blog to remember what life was like newly married and full of adventures.  Granted we have been married 234 days today and boy has it been a whirlwind so far!  Here's what's been going on in our household:

We MOVED!  Yeah, that's right.  We had only been married for 7 months before we took on address #2.  We went from an apartment to a rental house.  Despite it being a little bit of an added commute for the both of us...its a house and we LOVE it!

Oh, What's that you ask?  The black furry thing in the picture?  Yeah, well that's our little Indiana or Indy as we call him.  Just another incentive for us to move out of our 2nd story apartment.  He's a lab mix...or so we think.  We got him when he was just 5 weeks old, weighing 5.4 pounds.  Check out the pictures below for the before and after.  All we can say is that he gets plenty of sleep, love, and food in our family!
He was only a Gadra for a few minutes in this picture. 
This is him snoozing in the cart at Petsmart right after we
got him.  We had to get the "essentials" + a whole bunch of
other stuff.  He was a hit in the store!

Maybe even more adorable is the pic from his first bath. 
He was so tiny!!

This was him about a month you can see he's a horse 
but appears to be well adjusted! At 4 months he weighed about
33 pounds and is eating about 4 cups of food a day!

In other exciting news here are some pictures of our first 6 months of marriage:

We went on a fabulous honeymoon in Hawaii for a week!
Yeah, we even did the tourist matching
shirt thing! 

Did some sight seeing while visiting
the Renfro parents over Christmas.
Cory got to see the St. Louis Arch
for the 1st time on the Christmas trip.

We had our OWN first Christmas and New Years
as a Married Couple!
It was fun to decorate our little apartment...tree and all!
We took a little trip to
Ruidoso, NM in January.
It was great to get away and have some "us" time. 
With our work schedules being opposite,
we value the time we get!

In March, Emily had a work conference in LA and Cory got to come along.
After the conference, we rented a convertible Mustang and drove from LA to San Diego to see Emily's sister. Talk about a fun adventure.
We now understand why dogs hang their heads out the window in a car!

Well folks, that's a run down of life in our family for the last few months.  We did just take a recent fantastic trip up to Washington/Oregon.  Pictures and stories of that adventure coming soon!

Until Next Time.

The Gadra's