Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Intro to The Gadra's

Hello There!

    Welcome to the Good To Be A Gadra blog!  We decided to start this blog to remember what life was like newly married and full of adventures.  Granted we have been married 234 days today and boy has it been a whirlwind so far!  Here's what's been going on in our household:

We MOVED!  Yeah, that's right.  We had only been married for 7 months before we took on address #2.  We went from an apartment to a rental house.  Despite it being a little bit of an added commute for the both of us...its a house and we LOVE it!

Oh, What's that you ask?  The black furry thing in the picture?  Yeah, well that's our little Indiana or Indy as we call him.  Just another incentive for us to move out of our 2nd story apartment.  He's a lab mix...or so we think.  We got him when he was just 5 weeks old, weighing 5.4 pounds.  Check out the pictures below for the before and after.  All we can say is that he gets plenty of sleep, love, and food in our family!
He was only a Gadra for a few minutes in this picture. 
This is him snoozing in the cart at Petsmart right after we
got him.  We had to get the "essentials" + a whole bunch of
other stuff.  He was a hit in the store!

Maybe even more adorable is the pic from his first bath. 
He was so tiny!!

This was him about a month ago...as you can see he's a horse 
but appears to be well adjusted! At 4 months he weighed about
33 pounds and is eating about 4 cups of food a day!

In other exciting news here are some pictures of our first 6 months of marriage:

We went on a fabulous honeymoon in Hawaii for a week!
Yeah, we even did the tourist matching
shirt thing! 

Did some sight seeing while visiting
the Renfro parents over Christmas.
Cory got to see the St. Louis Arch
for the 1st time on the Christmas trip.

We had our OWN first Christmas and New Years
as a Married Couple!
It was fun to decorate our little apartment...tree and all!
We took a little trip to
Ruidoso, NM in January.
It was great to get away and have some "us" time. 
With our work schedules being opposite,
we value the time we get!

In March, Emily had a work conference in LA and Cory got to come along.
After the conference, we rented a convertible Mustang and drove from LA to San Diego to see Emily's sister. Talk about a fun adventure.
We now understand why dogs hang their heads out the window in a car!

Well folks, that's a run down of life in our family for the last few months.  We did just take a recent fantastic trip up to Washington/Oregon.  Pictures and stories of that adventure coming soon!

Until Next Time.

The Gadra's


  1. woohoo! Awesome blog! Now I can stalk you! :)

  2. To the best of my knowledge, unless you have a blogspot, you can leave a comment under anonymous profile. But please do leave your name in the comment so we know who you are. :-)
