Sunday, June 24, 2012

All Things Indy

In celebration of our Indiana's 5th month being born...we decided to let you get to know him a little bit better.  Hey, what are we kidding...we wouldn't posted about our cute little horse/dog anyways!

This was the first time he played in his little baby pool.  He has so much fun in that thing!  The only bad thing is that he drinks half of the water and then can't control his bladder for the next 3 hours!
Here are also some funny quotes from the kids next door.  They love when Indy's outside.  They try to get him to come to the fence by pretending rocks are treats.  A few times I've had to remind them that Indy will eat a rock thinking its a treat cause, well, he's cute, but not that smart.  :-)
    • I was telling the kids (ages from about 5-9) that Indy had to come in and eat his dinner.  The older one turned to Indy and said "go eat your dinner so you can grow big and strong like your Dad."  Well his Dad's in the Army...pretty sure he might have heard that at his house a time or two.
    • A few days ago I was out there with him and told them that Indy had lost one of his puppy teeth.  The youngest asked me what the Doggy Tooth Fairy was going to bring creative!

Also, don't know if other large dogs do this, but Indy's favorite place to sleep is on the back of the couch, just like a cat.  However, his 45lb frame isn't condusive for this position.  It makes us laugh nearly every time as we see the couchion sink under his weight. 

Not too much has changed though since he was a puppy. He still loves to sleep right by your head!  


Indy also really loves Cory! Its certain that if Cory is trying to do anything productive, Indy is RIGHT there, usually barking in Cory's ear!

Cory and I joke pretty regularly if we LOVE Indy or if we TOLERATE Indy...most days, at least for me, its pure puppy love!



  1. To the best of my knowledge, unless you have a blogspot, you can leave a comment under anonymous profile. But please do leave your name in the comment so we know who you are. :-)

  2. Glad to see Cory is still keeping his boots squared away.
